Memphis Zoo: "Teton Trek"
The Memphis Zoo will be opening a brand new exibit, "Teton Trek" in October 2009. Students are invited to participate in an art contest to design welcoming banners for this exciting exhibit. 1st place in each grade level will have the student’s art, name and school represented in outdoor advertising, provided by Clear Channel outdoor!
Winning artists will be publicly recognized at the opening ceremonies for Teton Trek. The Zoo will display reproductions of winning artwork around the Zoo.
Guidelines: 1. Theme – “Yellowstone: Preserving America’s Wilderness”
2. Open to all K-12 students.
3. Students not enrolled in an art class can submit work but it must be through the student’s school.
4. Can use any media (crayons, markers, paint, etc.)
5. Size requirement for artwork is 8 ½ x 11.
6. Artwork must be oriented vertically (portrait).
7. We cannot accept entries that include other Memphis copyrighted businesses (ex.: Memphis Grizzlies, Elvis Presley, Peabody Ducks, etc.).
8. The Zoo will also be conducting a preliminary competition for students whose schools are not hosting an internal competition, or who are homeschooled. These students may submit work directly to the Zoo (include on your entry label that it's a "self-submission" and the name of your school or "homeschool."
Visit for more information.
Students are encouraged to bring drafts of their designs by the art room after school for Mrs. Christopher's feedback :)
All entries will be due to Mrs. Christopher no later than September 14th.
Download a .pdf of this information and the entry form by clicking here.
The Memphis Zoo will be opening a brand new exibit, "Teton Trek" in October 2009. Students are invited to participate in an art contest to design welcoming banners for this exciting exhibit. 1st place in each grade level will have the student’s art, name and school represented in outdoor advertising, provided by Clear Channel outdoor!
Winning artists will be publicly recognized at the opening ceremonies for Teton Trek. The Zoo will display reproductions of winning artwork around the Zoo.
Guidelines: 1. Theme – “Yellowstone: Preserving America’s Wilderness”
2. Open to all K-12 students.
3. Students not enrolled in an art class can submit work but it must be through the student’s school.
4. Can use any media (crayons, markers, paint, etc.)
5. Size requirement for artwork is 8 ½ x 11.
6. Artwork must be oriented vertically (portrait).
7. We cannot accept entries that include other Memphis copyrighted businesses (ex.: Memphis Grizzlies, Elvis Presley, Peabody Ducks, etc.).
8. The Zoo will also be conducting a preliminary competition for students whose schools are not hosting an internal competition, or who are homeschooled. These students may submit work directly to the Zoo (include on your entry label that it's a "self-submission" and the name of your school or "homeschool."
Visit for more information.
Students are encouraged to bring drafts of their designs by the art room after school for Mrs. Christopher's feedback :)
All entries will be due to Mrs. Christopher no later than September 14th.
Download a .pdf of this information and the entry form by clicking here.

Celebrate Munford
All area youth, grades K-12 and adult amateur photographers are invited to enter this year's Celebrate Munford 2009 Photography /Art contest! Young artists simply follow the entry rules below to enter original artwork in the contest. Works will be on display for public viewing in the lobby of Regions Bank during Celebrate Munford on Saturday, September 19th 2009.
Visit for more information.
All entries are due to Mrs. Christopher no later than September 16th.
Art Contest Entry Form
All area youth, grades K-12 and adult amateur photographers are invited to enter this year's Celebrate Munford 2009 Photography /Art contest! Young artists simply follow the entry rules below to enter original artwork in the contest. Works will be on display for public viewing in the lobby of Regions Bank during Celebrate Munford on Saturday, September 19th 2009.
Visit for more information.
All entries are due to Mrs. Christopher no later than September 16th.
Art Contest Entry Form